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August 5th, 2022 Update

Choose Freedom!
Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
We are happy to announce the launch of our Bitchute channel. Bitchute will be a centralized location for all the interviews conducted by Todd Callender with other groundbreaking warriors fighting for the same cause. Videos will be uploaded regularly, so be sure not to miss out!


News you need to know:

COVID-19 vaccination campaign did not reduce all-cause Study Pre-Print: “We find that the mortality during the covid period”

How the CDC Coordinated With Big Tech To Censor Americans

Big Tech Continues to Censor but People Continue to Wake Up

To stay up to date with us, check out:

Vaxxchoice Website

Truth for Health Website



Gab Group


If you would like to donate to help fund legal cases that defend citizens against Covid vaccine mandates:


P.S. We are working on updating our website, newsletter, and socials. We hope to make improvements to give you a better experience and keep you better informed. The future is bright!

August 4th, 2022 Update

Choose Freedom!
Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.
– Napoleon Hill
Our dedication to the truth and making a powerful impact will set us free. The people on top do not care about us, so the only way to survive is to make sure we care about each other. We must do everything we can to remain healthy and improve our lives during these challenging times. An avalanche of change is coming, and we are just the beginning. People will wake up.
News you need to know:
Renowned Molecular Biologist Accuses Fauci Of Lying To Congress About Gain-Of-Function Research
Lewis demands answers on Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
Attorney Todd Callender Itemizes Laws Being Violated By COVID-19 Mandates
Dr. Peter Chambers & Todd Callender – WHO Pandemic Treaty & War on Humanity
Family of 27-Year-Old Who Died After AstraZeneca Shot Weighs Legal Action
Health and Wellness Resources
To stay up to date with us check out our:
Vaxxchoice Website
Truth for Health Website
Gab Group
If you would like to donate to help fund legal cases that defend citizens against Covid vaccine mandates:

P.S. over the coming weeks and months, we will be working on updating our website, newsletter, and socials. We hope to make improvements to give you a better experience and keep you better informed. The future is bright!

August 3rd, 2022 Update

Choose Freedom!
So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole Earth.
Our numbers are growing, and as we become a larger community, we strengthen in unity for our cause. As we gain this strength and momentum, we need to remember that every person has a unique and valuable perspective. Everyone’s calling is different, and our differences provides a large range of varying views and beliefs.  That’s what makes us individuals unlike anyone else that has ever lived.
It is critical that we come together and build a strong community. Standing together is the only way we can win this battle. It is time to share our unique gifts so we can guide those that are lost and support those who are unsteady. We will win this fight together!
News you need to know:
Dr. Peter McCullough On Treatment, Vaccines, and Censorship
5G Technology is Coming – Linked to Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and Death
The vaccinated Are NO LONGER HUMAN? – Attorney Todd Callender
‘The Mask Is a Symbol of Slavery’
Imposing the New World Order
Dutch Police Brutally Assault Farmers
How Spirituality Can Benefit Mental and Physical Health
To stay up to date with us check out our:
Vaxxchoice Website
Truth for Health Website
Gab Group
If you would like to donate to help fund legal cases that defend citizens against Covid vaccine mandates:

P.S. over the coming weeks and months, we will be working on updating our website, newsletter, and socials. We hope to make improvements to give you a better experience and keep you better informed. The future is bright!

August 1st, 2022 Update

Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.
The fight for your freedom and right to choose to get vaccinated is facing more prominent and bigger threats. It’s recently been uncovered the U.S. Government has a new program they are working on – Implant vaccines. It’s called “Beyond”. The plan is to increase vaccine compliance, with pain-free, easier self-administration and dose sparing for single-dose efficacy (vs. multiple boosters). They would then have even more routes to give you the vaccine, oral, inhaled, transdermal, and an implant under your skin. Another scary thing to note, it would enable vaccine administration without a trained healthcare professional. We cannot stand by and allow this to happen. The amount of people that could have this forced upon them by some random person is worrisome. Even with news like this, and other stories about the growing Ebola concerns coming out, it’s not a time to be scared or worried, it is a time to work together and disseminate our message to the masses. We will save these people!
No Needle Vaccines
News you need to know:
Ebola research gets funding
Dr. Peter McCullough – The Vaccines are Killing People
The midterm variant
By injecting children, could we be creating eunuchs, who can choose and change their gender identity using external means?
The Beginning of the End of ‘Gender-Affirming Care’?
Twitter Stops Censoring Epoch Times Content After Outcry
‘A Monumental Undertaking.’ New Lawsuits Allege Prenatal Link Between Acetaminophen and ADHD, Autism
Dutch Citizens Clash With Police in Almelo Amid Their Efforts to Defend the ‘No Farms, No Food’ Mural
To stay up to date with us check out our:
Vaxxchoice Website
Truth for Health Website
Gab Group
If you would like to donate to help fund legal cases that defend citizens against Covid vaccine mandates:

P.S. over the coming weeks and months we will be working on updating our website, newsletter, and socials. We hope to make improvements to give you a better experience and keep you better informed. The future is bright!

July 29th, 2022 Update

Choose Freedom!
When you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome.
More good news is coming in, and we expect even more good news to come in over the weekend. We are all in a great situation as we are growing bigger and stronger, and that is something to be thankful for. Everyone’s journey is theirs to travel, and each of our journeys have led us to come together within the Vaxxchoice community. If we stand strong together, we will win this fight for humanity!
Our friends at StopVaxPassports are offering free resources on their website. Take some time to check out their excellent work.
News you need to know:
We celebrate out our ally, Jacob Joseph, who has brought light to the information about the Ebola (Marburg) outbreak with his movement. Be sure to check out his mission statement:
Marburg and Ebola Vaccine Development And Investment
Washington, DC Child COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Illegal: Legal Expert
Poll findings about vaccinating kids
Investigation of the Covid-19 Vaccine makers
Scientists Confirm COVID Vaccines Contain Nanostructures Colonizing In The Human Body
After Shanghai, here come Lanzhou food shortages: It is difficult to buy vegetables
Kary Mullis: Is This Why They Killed Him?
To stay up to date with us check out our:
Vaxxchoice Website
Truth for Health Website
Gab Group
If you would like to donate to help fund legal cases that defend citizens against Covid vaccine mandates:
P.S. over the coming weeks and months we will be working on updating our website, newsletter, and socials. We hope to make improvements to give you a better experience and keep you better informed. The future is bright!

July 28th, 2022 Update

Choose Freedom!
Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.
~ Sigmund Freud
As time goes by, slowly our wins are adding up. It may not seem like much change is happening, but slowly we are getting closer to the world we want to live in. As long as we continue to fight and do the right thing, in time, we will reap the benefits.
A judge in Cincinnati has done precisely what he needed to do. This is a huge win for us as one of our Vaxxchoice volunteer attorneys led the charge. We look forward to more officials doing the right thing.
Court Ruling in Cincinnati
To stay up to date with us check out:
Vaxxchoice Website
Truth for Health Website
Gab Group
If you would like to donate to help fund legal cases that defend citizens against Covid vaccine mandates:
News you need to know:
Matt Pottinger: The Intelligence Agent Who Shut Down America
German Data shows 1 in 500 adverse events
Moderna Vaccine Increases Myocarditis Risk By 44 Times In Young Adults
Anthony Fauci Says If We Could Do It Again, COVID-19 Restrictions Would Be ‘Much, Much More Stringent’
Huanan Market In Wuhan Was the ‘Epicenter’ of COVID-19 Outbreak
Deadly bacteria that causes melioidosis detected in Mississippi water
A Natural Source of Anti-Infective Compounds
How to Protect Yourself from 5G and EMF Radiation
Protesting Dutch farmers dump manure, garbage on roads
How to Find Emotional Healing
P.S. over the coming weeks and months we will be working on updating our website, newsletter, and socials. We hope to make improvements to give you a better experience and keep you better informed. The future is bright!

July 27th, 2022 Update

Choose Freedom!
Rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer.
~ Romans 12:12
Humanity is coming together to stand with one another. The mission to heal this beautiful planet, heal our citizens, and rid this planet of evil and corruption is underway. The brave warriors of the truth are being guided by one another, sharing information, and supporting each other. Our voices are being heard and all of us are making a difference.
Thank you for the support you have shown us and will continue to show us. We look forward to continuing our mission of providing resources and information to our community as we receive your support. It truly takes all of us!
Remember to remain calm, breathe in the fresh air, and embrace God’s bountiful blessings as we continue to come together as one community.
To stay up to date with us check out:
Vaxxchoice Website
Truth for Health Website
Gab Group
If you would like to donate to help fund legal cases that defend citizens against Covid vaccine mandates:
News you need to know:
Today we feature our brave ally, Jacob Joseph, who has brought light to the information about the Ebola (Marburg) outbreak with his movement. Here he has provided a valuable resource with tons of critical information:
Ebola outbreak map
Bio and accomplishments of Dr. Judy Mikovits
Judy Mikovits on the Ebola Marburg Pandemic
Covid Truths & Lies: A Night with Dr. Peter McCullough, M.D.
Former CDC director challenges Fauci on COVID-19 origin
Kentucky’s largest school district requires masks regardless of vaccination status
Dr. Patrick Moore says elites have a suicide pact
China is building more than half of the world’s new coal power plants
What plot lurks behind the Dutch Farmer’s protest?
P.S. over the coming weeks and months we will be working on updating our website, newsletter, and socials. We hope to make improvements to give you a better experience and keep you better informed. The future is bright!

July 26th, 2022 Update

Choose Freedom!
Suit up in the Full Armor of God
The Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith, Breastplate of Righteousness, Helmet of Salvation, Belt of Truth, and Boots of Peace.
~ Ephesians 6
God has brought us together to be his warriors in providing the truth in information. We must complete our mission of sharing the truth as we have been chosen to do so. It is time we rise to this magnificent call and suit up with the Full Armor of God.
Don’t be afraid to stand together and share this information with the people around you. It is our duty, and this is how we will be able to make a change in this world. We will continue to fight for and provide the truth, credible information, and real resources!
Our friends at StopVaxPassports are offering a free webinar about vaccines today from 4:30-6:00 pm EST. If you are interested in signing up, click the link below.
To stay up to date with us check out:
Vaxxchoice Website
Truth for Health Website
Gab Group
If you would like to donate to help fund legal cases that defend citizens against Covid vaccine mandates:
News you need to know:
New England Journal of Medicine: Unvaccinated COVID Patients Are Contagious for LESS Time Than those Vaxed or Boosted.
The unvaccinated are the heroes of the last two years
Fauci lied about his record on lockdown recommendations
Why young people are suddenly dying
The Marburg Psyop
Ebola/Marburg outbreak map
DOE Issues Fifth Emergency Notice of Sale of Crude Oil From the Strategic Petroleum Reserve
Canadian truckers and farmers hold the line and convoy in support of the Dutch Farmers.
Trudeau pushed forward with fertilizer reduction

July 21st, 2022 Update

Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
OUR MISSION: was started in early 2021 when it was apparent Governments around the world were going to coerce large segments of the population into taking experimental gene therapy shots.
We strive to provide daily updates from reputable sources to educate our followers and the world on the true issues at hand.
God Bless ~ 
Vaccines Are Destroying People’s Immunity Through ‘Immune Imprinting’: Dr. Robert Malone

Former Offensive Lineman for Notre Dame Dies at 35 Due to Cardiac Arrest While on a Run

Former Offensive Lineman for Notre Dame Dies at 35 Due to Cardiac Arrest While on a Run

Unvaccinated Wimbledon Champ Novak Djokovic Out of US Open

11 simple ways to eat clean

5G Network: How it works and is it dangerous?

World News
Thousands of Illegals Storm the Mexican Border and Push Through National Guard Barricades on Way to US (VIDEO)

Thousands of Illegals Storm the Mexican Border and Push Through National Guard Barricades on Way to US (VIDEO)

Biden Climate Emergency Would Unleash Unconstitutional Actions

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July 20th, 2022 Update

Hello wonderful Vaxxchoice community ~ 
Teach These Great Truths To Trustworthy People Who Are Able To Pass Them On To Others ~
 2 Timothy 2:2
As you read the message above… also feel it, let it sink in your whole being, to help you understand how important your role is right now. We are here for a purpose
We have been chosen as messengers, and warriors… Be so very proud of that calling! Now is the time to come together and stand with one another, and to share your knowledge!
We here at Vaxxchoice hold very dear the goal to share information and provide resources… it takes all of us to make a difference… and we are
God Bless ~
42% of Women Report Heavier Menstrual Bleeding After COVID Vaccines
Pfizer Crimes against our children: cardiac arrest of 2-month-old baby an hour after experimental vaccine

Pfizer Crimes against our Children: Cardiac Arrest of Two Month Old Baby an Hour after Experimental Vaccine

Attorney Todd Callender: Marburg will be activated in the vaccinated via 5G – FEMA camps and mandatory shots for the unvaccinated. 

Attny Todd Callendar: Marburg Will Be Activated in the Vaccinated Via 5G ~ FEMA Camps and Mandatory Shots For the UNvaccinated

How to eliminate toxins from the body
How to remove heavy metals from your body
28 inspiring mental health quotes
World News:
Ghana confirms first cases of deadly Marburg virus
Boris Johnson warns of the threat of the ‘deep state’ to Brexit
A Multitude of Austrians Fight Back Against Agenda 2030

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July 19th, 2022 Update

Happy Tuesday wonderful Vaxxchoice community ~ 
“We must never give up. We must not become discouraged. We much never surrender to the forces of evil…
If it means standing along, we must do it. But we shall not be alone” 
 We are all feeling the effects of the happenings that are taking place around us. Every corner in this world is feeling the impacts of those whose mission it is to control and dominate us… all of us. It is up to us, humanity, to stand together, to stay strong, and focused, and to support one another. Our freedoms… in fact, our survival is at stake. 
 We here at Vaxxchoice are here to support and stand with all of you
God Bless
Vaccine Hesitancy in Haiti Has Led to the Lowest COVID-19 Cases and Death Rates in the Western Hemisphere – Global Research

Vaccine Hesitancy in Haiti Has Led to the Lowest COVID-19 Cases and Death Rates in the Western Hemisphere

 Bacterial and fungal isolation from face masks under the COVID-19 pandemic

 Amended vaccines – they can now insert anything into these injections 

Aloe vera: 9 health benefits Building emotional wellness for kids

 The never-ending medial emergency 

The Never Ending Medical Emergency

 World News: 
A multitude of Austrians fight back against agenda 2030

 Anak Krakatau back to life again after 3 eruptions within 12 hours 

In pictures: Anak Krakatau back to life again! 3 eruptions within 12 hours

 Chinese corn mill near US Air Force base may carry national security

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July 18th, 2022 Update

Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
 OUR MISSION: was started in early 2021 when it was apparent Governments around the world were going to coerce large segments of the population into taking experimental gene therapy shots.
We strive to provide daily updates from reputable sources to educate our followers and the world on the true issues at hand.
God Bless ~
Judge Blocks Air Force from Expelling Unvaccinated Service Members and Enforcing Vaccine Mandate

Trump-Appointed Judge Blocks Air Force from Expelling Unvaccinated Service Members and Enforcing Vaccine Mandate

Dr. Harvey Risch: Why Are Vaccinated People Getting COVID at Higher Rates Than the Unvaccinated?
Dr. Birx ‘Bombshell’: She Would ‘Hide’ Data in Reports, Rig Covid Mortality Rates

What is mental health
The Universal Antidote – The science and story of Chlorine Dioxide 

World News: 
What the Netherlands Got Wrong About Nitrogen and Farmers

What the Netherlands Got Wrong About Nitrogen and Farmers

EXCLUSIVE: Billions Continue to Be Laundered Through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to China’s Biowarfare Program

EXCLUSIVE: Billions Continue to Be Laundered Through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to China’s Biowarfare Program

Skittles is sued over claims colorant in candies can cause BRAIN DAMAGE
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July 15th, 2022 Update

Happy Friday beautiful Vaxxchoice community ~ 
 We would like to start the weekend with an inspirational quote ~  
 “This life is yours. Take the power to choose what you what to do and do it well. Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly. Take the power to walk in the forest and be a part of nature. Take the power to control your own life. No one else can do it for you. Take the power to make your life happy”
~ Susan Polis Schutz 
Losing the battle? Pentagon COVID-19 vax mandates tottering under legal scrutiny
 Judge grants temporary injunction against COVID vax mandate for airmen seeking religious exemptions
 The Church of Pfizer: D.C. promotes ‘Faith In Vaccine’ initiative
31 simple health wellness tips for healthy and happy living
 Do optimists really live longer? Here’s what research says
 Mask mandate could return – Los Angeles Covid surge
 World News:
HOOOOONK! From Nijmegen to Beek, Dutch Farmers Have Taken Over the Streets

 Next Pandemic
Mask mandate could return – Los Angeles Covid surge
The size of the millennial generation is to blame for sky-high inflation, strategist says
 God Bless ~ 
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July 14th, 2022 Update

It is worth remembering that the time of greatest gain in terms of wisdom and inner strength is often that of greatest difficulty. ~ Dalai Lama  
Hello wonderful Vaxxchoice community ~  
As the world begins to see the very real plan that is in store for humanity, we realize that the pandemic; covid, and the rollout of the vaccines are certainly not the only weapons that have been used to control and dominate us. 
The plan also includes the total control of the world’s financial (banking) institutions, currencies, and markets. 
 For today’s update, we would like to share, and present a topic about these events taking place in real time. We are here to support and provide information and resources… we need to fully grasp, and understand the massiveness of this global plan… and stand united and fight!!! Together we will win  
We would like to devote today’s update with an article written by Alex Krainer. Mr. Krainer provides a glimpse in the plans of the Global Systemically Important Banks (GSIBS).  
“The three-block global agenda today and the role of finance“:
 Here is a brief excerpt and summary: 
“I’ve put together a few concrete examples of the way high finance controls the political process in many nations. There are many examples, but most can only be discerned on a case-by-case basis when and where relevant facts leak out into the public domain. But they all point to the conclusion that the ultimate culprits is the international banking cartel who hold the controlling interest in BIS’s Global Systemically Important Banks (GSIBs) and nearly all the central banks around the world, including the Fed, BOE, ECB, BOJ…”
 “One of the Trojan Horses of this process are the central banks that wield predominant control over each nation’s economy but are in most countries almost entirely independent of legitimate democratic institutions. Any nation intent on defending its sovereignty should be extremely vigilant about Trojan Horses within its own financial, academic, political and military institutions. If the officialdom, already staffed with obedient technocrats, will ignore the signs of danger and even collaborate with the slow evisceration of their nation’s sovereignty, then the people of such nations should be doubly vigilant so they can recognize the signs of betrayal in time to take corrective action. This is all the more important today as the empire builders are once more escalating political and military tensions and taking reckless risks that could ultimately lead to another world war.”
 We have provided additional and valuable information on the financial plan to control the masses. 
What CSRQ-SM will mean for your life and the future – Oculum Labs
 Vaxxchoice is your community… and we are connected and united with you all 
 God Bless ~
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July 13th, 2022 Update

Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
 Hello all… we here at Vaxxchoice want to share some very exciting news, which is a testament that battles are being won against those that want to destroy us, and our spirits. We will not let that happen.
 We have included a recent ruling that took place in Uruguay, God bless the bravery of the Courts, and those that ruled “for the people,” and the incredibly uplifting sentiment of one of Vaxxchoice’s volunteer attorneys, Todd Callender, gives hope and strengthens our missions. We are in the fight together!
 “Finally, a Court has ruled!!!   This is a first folks.  It’s important.  Despite tens of thousands of complaints filed over the last 16 months, this is the first ruling from a government body anywhere that I’m aware of making findings as to the legitimate questions of toxicity and ingredients of the shots.  Better yet, the court rules about sovereignty and the job of the government to protect its citizens not be colluded with commercial interests.  This is truly bombshell and the second attachment is the translation of the Court’s order.” – Todd
 Let’s pray this ignites a momentum of change!! What wonderful news for humanity, and kudos to the bravery of those justice warriors
 God Bless ~
Parents not rushing to vaccinate very young children for covid
 Fauci still urges COVID vaccines but admits they ‘don’t protect overly well’ against infection
 Life Insurance CEO Reveals Deaths Are Up 40% Among Working People: “Just unheard of”

Hydrogen Peroxide health benefits 

Mental health crisis in colleges and schools
World News: 
OECD members just met in Ibiza to discuss creating a global vaccine passport regime 

OECD Members Just Met in Ibiza to Discuss Creating a Global Vaccine Passport Regime

Dutch farmers say the government wants their land to build refugee housing

Starbucks will close 16 stores in major cities, citing safety concerns
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July 12th, 2022 Update

Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
 OUR MISSION: was started in early 2021 when it was apparent Governments around the world were going to coerce large segments of the population into taking experimental gene therapy shots.
 We strive to provide daily updates from reputable sources to educate our followers and the world on the true issues at hand.
God Bless ~ 
Dr. McCullough on treatment
 Coronavirus study natural immunity covid gives 97% protection against severe reinfection for months
 John Olooney talks about blockage found in vessels of deceased Covid vaxxed 

John O’Looney talks about blockages found in vessels of deceased COVID vaxxed!!!

 HHS Sec Becerra warns of strong chance we will see a resurgence of covid in the fall 2022

What is emotional health and how to improve it.
 5G Next Generations Health Dangers.
World News: 
Dutch farmers clog roads on the to anti-government protest
Gates funded picnic facility burnt to the ground.

Gates-funded Picnic facility burnt to the ground

 Are Google Chatbots impersonating Humans? 

Are Google Chatbots Impersonating Humans?

July 8th, 2022 Update

Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
OUR MISSION: was started in early 2021 when it was apparent Governments around the world were going to coerce large segments of the population into taking experimental gene therapy shots. 
We strive to provide daily updates from reputable sources to educate our followers and the world on the true issues at hand. 
Have a great weekend! 
God Bless ~  
Covid News: 
Canada’s Health Minister Says “Up to Date” Vaccination is a Jab Every 9 Months

Pediatrician Axed for Advocating COVID Vax in Youngest Kids 
Norwegian Researcher Dr Torkel Snellingen on Vaccines and Injuries 
Jacinda Ardern admits Highly Vaccinated New Zealand is losing the COVID battle because the Jabs don’t work 
Watch for signs of depression during COVID-19 and know how to support your child’s mental well-being
COVID vaccine complications will soon “collapse our health system,” warns renowned virologist
CDC Drops COVID-19 Death Numbers By Thousands

Current Events
Twitter ‘Silenced’ Physicians Who Posted Truthful Information About COVID, Lawsuit Alleges

Twitter ‘Silenced’ Physicians Who Posted Truthful Information About COVID, Lawsuit Alleges

In Memory of Dr. Vladimir Zelenko — A Moral, Outspoken Truth Warrior

In Memory of Dr. Vladimir Zelenko — A Moral, Outspoken Truth Warrior

Jailed Freedom Convoy organizer Pat King says his charges will be dropped because police directed their actions in Ottawa
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July 7th, 2022 Update

Vaxxchoice Family & Friends, 
Gratitude ~ 
The quality of being thankful: readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness 
During difficult and unsettling may we not forget to be grateful. We may feel as if there is nothing to be grateful for. It is in these moments of thought that we look around; at our loved ones, at the beautiful gifts of nature, and feel gratitude. Gratitude will lift your spirits… and its presence lifts the spirits of others
Take some time today to quiet your thoughts, take a break from all the outside noise… ground yourself outdoors, feel the grass, or sand, or dirt between your toes… and surround yourself in gratitude… we all have so much to be grateful for… and when we share gratitude with grace… we begin to heal
We here at Vaxxchoice are so grateful for all of you… we are here to support, to encourage, and to stand with!!
God Bless ~
Covid News:
Dr. Peter McCullough
Coronavirus: What is “Vaccine Shedding” and do COVID vaccines pose any risks? All you need to know
Authors correct study that inflated child covid deaths after CDC officials promoted it
Portugal drops all covid entry requirements
Canada’s Health Minister – You will never be fully vaxxed
Tips for managing children’s anxiety about covid
How to remove graphene oxide from the body
Health benefits of cinnamon
John Abramson: Big Pharma – Lex Fridman Podcast 

Current Events
Twitter suspends Dr. Zelenko’s foundation account one day after doctor’s death
Disney employees suing company over vaccination exemption refusals
Canada may be withholding Nord Stream gas turbine until Germany signs LNG contract
United Kingdom PM Boris Johnson resigns
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July 6th, 2022 Update

Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
The Winds of Change  
The winds of change come as an unexpected ring.. and momentum truly realigns our hearts to sing… 
Let us think about all that we have been through. We have been holding onto hope for so many years now. We have been held hostage in fear.. What the captors fear the most is our individual strengths, what they are terrified of, is our united strengths. The enemy has no real power. They make a lot of noise…But it is fading in the wind compared to the sound of healing of many waters. We, all of us as humanity are the streams of change. Faith is our vessel that protects and guides us in these waters… Staying united, supportive, healthy and strong… and sharing our faiths will guide our waters to winning this battle with the enemy… Our united and faithful waters will wash the enemy away…
Your Vaxxchoice community is here to support and stand united with all!! We are creating a strong current in our waters, and every day that becomes stronger… guided by faith, unity, and courage
God Bless ~
PLANDEMIC News – Covid
How to remove graphene oxide from the body after taking the jab – its in food too
Vaccine mandate will force over 700 Pilots and 40,000 National Guard troops to be discharged

Pfizer investor call reveals company plan to capitalize failed Covid drugs 

Pfizer’s Investor Call Reveals The Company’s Plan To Capitalize On Its Failed COVID Drugs For Years

Study based on data from emergency services. COVID infection itself not linked to significant increase in cardiovascular complications. 
Pfizer Whistleblower Lawsuit Fraud

Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud

Glutathione – The Mother of Antioxidants
Fascinating Look Into Traditional Diets – Eating Better 

How to Protect Yourself From The Effects of 5G: Ideas and Real Solutions

How to Protect Yourself from 5G And Its Negative Effects?

Current Events
Dutch Farmers Aggressively Protest Plans to Dramatically Reduce Livestock Numbers

Dutch farmers aggressively protest plans to dramatically reduce livestock numbers

Medical Licensing Boards Face Pushback Enforcing CDC Vaccine Recommendations
Exactly How Much Farmland Bill Gates Owns in America 

Exactly How Much Farm Land Does Bill Gates Own? It’s More Than Any Other Individual in America

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July 5th, 2022 Update

Dear Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
Happiness depends on being free… and freedom depends on being courageous ~ Thucydides
Freedom is not something to take lightly. It is in every person’s core of existence. The ones who oppress freedom use their own free will to take away the freedoms of others. Free will is engrained in our DNA.
We are facing real threats of those that oppress, and plan to take the freedoms of humanity. The time has come to realize that very goal, and we need to unite and stand with one another.
 We will not lie down while our enemies take our God-given birth rights!!
We here at Vaxxchoice are standing united, and supporting all who stand for freedoms 
God Bless ~
PLANDEMIC News – Covid; Health; 5G
Missouri legislator, Tricia Derges resigned her seat after being convicted of falsely claiming she was giving patients stem cell treatments for COVID-19.
NEW – Vaccinated toddlers in Pfizer’s trial were more likely to get severely ill with COVID than those who received a placebo.
Canada’s Health Minister Says “Up to Date” Vaccination is a Jab Every 9 Months

This accompanies the Alex Zeck podcast. 
For more information:
27-Year-Old Engineer Dies After Developing Blood Clot on Brain Following Covid Vaccine

27-Year-Old Engineer Dies After Developing Blood Clot on Brain Following Covid Vaccine

In this episode, join Alec Zeck as he interviews two former healthcare employees about their unlawful termination, their current legal process for justice and how their experience through it all has led to a beautiful and sovereign awakening.
Instead of infringing on the 2A maybe our reps should crack down on big pharma and the mental health practitioners prescribing these dangerous meds
The Great Reset
National Security Study Memorandum 200: Blueprint for World Depopulation

Current Events
UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid resigns saying he can no longer, in good conscience, continue serving in this government
CureVac Files Patent Infringement Lawsuit in Germany Against BioNTech
California to Shut Down Supply Chain 7000 Trucks May Be Off the Road In Days
 Actions Being Taken
Click Here to Take Action on 2022 CA Bills
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July 4th, 2022 Update

Dear Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
Happiness depends on being free… and freedom depends on being courageous ~ Thucydides
Freedom is not something to take lightly. It is in every person’s core of existence. The ones who oppress freedom use their own free will to take away the freedoms of others. Free will is engrained in our DNA.
We are facing real threats of those that oppress, and plan to take the freedoms of humanity. The time has come to realize that very goal, and we need to unite and stand with one another.
 We will not lie down while our enemies take our God-given birth rights!!
We here at Vaxxchoice are standing united, and supporting all who stand for freedoms 
God Bless ~
PLANDEMIC News – Covid; Health; 5G
Missouri legislator, Tricia Derges resigned her seat after being convicted of falsely claiming she was giving patients stem cell treatments for COVID-19.
NEW – Vaccinated toddlers in Pfizer’s trial were more likely to get severely ill with COVID than those who received a placebo.
Canada’s Health Minister Says “Up to Date” Vaccination is a Jab Every 9 Months

This accompanies the Alex Zeck podcast. 
For more information:
27-Year-Old Engineer Dies After Developing Blood Clot on Brain Following Covid Vaccine

27-Year-Old Engineer Dies After Developing Blood Clot on Brain Following Covid Vaccine

In this episode, join Alec Zeck as he interviews two former healthcare employees about their unlawful termination, their current legal process for justice and how their experience through it all has led to a beautiful and sovereign awakening.
Instead of infringing on the 2A maybe our reps should crack down on big pharma and the mental health practitioners prescribing these dangerous meds
The Great Reset
National Security Study Memorandum 200: Blueprint for World Depopulation

Current Events
UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid resigns saying he can no longer, in good conscience, continue serving in this government
CureVac Files Patent Infringement Lawsuit in Germany Against BioNTech
California to Shut Down Supply Chain 7000 Trucks May Be Off the Road In Days
 Actions Being Taken
Click Here to Take Action on 2022 CA Bills
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June 29th, 2022 Update

Dear Vaxxchoice Family & Friends, 

Rest when you are weary, refresh and renew yourself… your body, your mind, and your spirit… 
Then get back to work ~ Ralph Marston 
During these difficult and stressful times, the idea of rest can seem so complicated and hard to achieve. We may be asking ourselves how do we do it, How do we find peace when things sound so crazy and chaotic.  During this time, it is very important to be aware of your bodies needs for rest and restoration… and to make those connections between your physical, mental and spiritual needs. Each need is very unique and vital.
Allowing yourself time to center yourself with these areas. Connecting to earth, and grounding yourself, taking a break from the news and the social media “noise” is incredibly important in the healing process we as humanity are going thru. We need to see ourselves as a very important piece in this process… because we are!
We are all here for a reason, be proud of that, be honored with that. Let us treat ourselves to rest and restoration. We have much work to be done… We are Warriors for God, and we are Warriors for mama Earth.
We here at Vaxxchoice honor all of you… we see your bravery, and we salute you. We will be introducing some new and exciting resources and opportunities to deepen our connections with one another.
Peace to all & God Bless 
PLANDEMIC News – Covid; Health; 5G
Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, Jun 27, 2022 Texas Senate HHS Testimony

5G and Your Health 
Todd Callender: The Role of Hospitals, Covid Injections And 5G In Genocide 
Vaccine Injury Treatment Guide: Your Roadmap to Recovery 
STUNNING: At Today’s Congressional Testimony, Dr. Deborah Birx Admits the Biden Admin’s Vaccine Efficacy Claims Were Based on ‘Hope’ Not Science
Full Exchange:
Inflation, Food, Energy, Supply Lines & Economics
Fed May Devalue Currency to Save the Government; Supreme Court Could Overturn Biden’s ‘Red Flag’ Gun Laws
Health Executives Warns Growing Food Crisis Will Contribute Millions Extra Death.

Health Executive Warns Growing Food Crisis Will Contribute to ‘Millions of Extra Deaths’

The Great Reset
These Companies Will Cover Travel Expenses for Employee Abortions
Catholic churches vandalized by abortion-rights advocates following Supreme Court ruling
Not surprising… Twitter Suspends Doctor for Sharing Study That Suggests Pfizer Vaccine Impacts Semen.
Chile Bans Discrimination Against Mutants and Genetically Altered People.

Chile Bans ‘Discrimination Against Mutants and Genetically Altered People’

War News
Syria joins Russia in recognising Ukraine separatist republics

Syria joins Russia in recognising Ukraine separatist republics

Actions Being Taken
West Point graduates sign letter challenging leadership of military academy
Entire page dedicated to complaints:
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June 27th, 2022 Update

Dear Vaxxchoice Family & Friends, 
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God Bless ~ 
Injecting Kids Without Consent

CDC LIES about vaccines to MURDER children
Science magazine admits covid “injections” are useless and harmful
The FDA’s “Future Framework” for Covid Vaccines Is a Reckless Plan
Inflation, Food, Energy, Supply Lines & Economics
Germany moves to “stage two” of emergency gas plan, citing high risk of long-term energy shortages
Food Shortage Prep: 10 Foods Currently at Risk of Running Out
Thousands of cattle die in Kansas as attack on America’s food supply continues
A global food shortage “catastrophe” is unfolding, warns UN chief
The Great Reset
Depopulation Planning & Efforts of the 1960s & 1970s: An Outline
1960 – Birth Control Pill – The FDA approves.
The Club Of Rome Predicts The Future*

Bill Gates is reported as a member of the Club of Rome
The Deagle Report – Only 100m population forecast for the US as of 2025
Rockefeller Food Policy July 28, 2020
Gen. Maxwell Taylor, the Soviets and Global 2000
Origins of Global 2000: depopulation warriors

June 22nd, 2022 Update

Dear Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
Kindly visit our website today for historical updates and resources. We appreciate you continuing to spread the word about Vaxxchoice and sharing the news that so many need to be apprised of.
We are growing in numbers daily because of you, and we are grateful that you have decided to be a part of our great community!
God Bless,
Your Vaxxchoice Team
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To help with funding for legal cases that defend citizens against Covid vaccine mandates kindly donate to:


5 Things to Know as American Babies and Toddlers Start Getting Covid 19 Vaccines.
If You’ve Had COVID You’re Likely Protected for Life
China Repurposes COVID-19 App as Gulag Fast-Pass
Covid Vaxx Blood Clots – Amyloidosis

Prevalence of amyloid blood clots in COVID-19 plasma

FDA Genocide as it Authorizes Covid Vaxxes for Babies
Nurse Claims How She Realized that the Covid Vaxxes Were Mass Murder

A nurse describes the awful moment she realised that the vaccine was mass murder

Folks… Time to buy more flour and some wheat seeds.   

Disaster In The Heartland: Wheat Crops In Kansas Are Failing On A Massive Scale

Cattle Deaths Explained? – Magnetic Rifts Causing this?
How Does Biden Know There’s Gonna be Another Pandemic?  
Woke’ investing concept seen as factor in Americans paying more at the pump.
All Wireless Companies Warn Shareholders, Not Consumers: 5G Rated “High Risk” By Insurance Companies
Kaliningrad Under Threat – Russian Response on Lithuania Means NATO War on an Ally
Serious War Rumblings from the UK

Britain Head of Military Tells Troops Prepare for WWIII

Trudeau Tells His Subjects They Have No Right to Self Defense

Justin Trudeau informs his subjects: ‘You have no right to self defense’

June 21st, 2022 Update

Dear Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
Definition of strength:
The quality or state of being strong: capacity for exertion or endurance.
So many of us are experiencing feelings of anxiety, fear and unhappiness during these unsettling times. It takes strength to feel these feelings. We need to value our strengths, and the unique strengths in others.
These strengths, unique and diverse as the people who hold them is needed now more than ever. Here at Vaxxchoice, we celebrate everyone’s strengths… and we embrace conversation, and ideas!!
Let’s strengthen our Vaxxchoice community!!
God Bless,
Your Vaxxchoice Team
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To help with funding for legal cases that defend citizens against Covid vaccine mandates kindly donate to:


Spiro – Examination of Pfizer C19 Gene Vaccine
Operation Crimson Mist, Electronic Slaughter in Rwanda
White House Health Official Makes False Claim About COVID-19 Vaccines
Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, Mad Cow Disease, and Bizarre Blood Clots Raise Questions About Vaccines
Learned hating unvaccinated – A must read.

What We Learned From Hating the Unvaccinated…A MUST Read!

Great video from Brett Weinstein 

Brett Weinstein Says Cardiac-Related Vaccine Injuries May Take Years to Surface

Pfizer drops India vaccine application after regulator seeks local trial

Vaccination Increases Risk of COVID-19 Infection: Study

June 20th, 2022 Update

Dear Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
Loyalty To Country Always… Loyalty to Government When It Deserves It
~ Mark Twain
A government’s essential task is protecting everyone’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What we are experiencing from governments is an attempt to modify, influence, and dictate the conduct of the citizens. 
We here at Vaxxchoice are here to support, and to share information, and to stand up for our rights, and to build a community that deserves answers from those within these governments who have caused such harm and destruction to our lives.
Vaxxchoice is in this fight with all of you… Let’s do this together!!
God Bless,
Your Vaxxchoice Team
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Depopulation Through Forced Vaccination: The Zero Carbon Solution

Pentagon Quietly Admits Funding 46 Biolabs In Ukraine After Months of Dismissing Russian Allegations As Propaganda
Doctors Sue FDA, Allege Crusade Against Ivermectin ‘Unlawfully Interfered’ With Their Ability to Treat Patients
Senator Rand Paul confronted Dr. Anthony Fauci on Thursday morning at a Senate hearing on the federal government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Must-See Video: Senator Paul Confronts Dr. Fauci About Big Pharma Giving Millions in Kickbacks to Covid Vaccine Regulators

Missouri Governor Signs Law that Prohibits Pharmacists from Questioning the Effectiveness of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine

Missouri Governor Signs Law that Prohibits Pharmacists from Questioning the Effectiveness of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine

FINALLY: WHO Chief Tedros Now Privately Accepts COVID-19 Wuhan Lab Leak ‘Conspiracy Theory’, Claims Govt Source.
HUGE: Court Rules for the First Time That an Insured Business Can Seek Damages Over COVID-19 Shutdown Losses

HUGE: Court Rules for the First Time That an Insured Business Can Seek Damages Over COVID-19 Shutdown Losses

Americans Keep Getting Reinfected With COVID as New Variants Emerge + More

Americans Keep Getting Reinfected With COVID as New Variants Emerge + More

COVID jab side effects are like a ‘nuclear bomb’: US pathologist
Babies exposed to COVID in the womb show neurodevelopmental changes
NEW — Pfizer Tells the FDA “We Don’t Have a Complete Understanding of the Way the Vaccine Works”

FDA’s Dr. Wisch: “Croup, RSV, & Pneumonia Were Reported w/ Greater Frequency in the Vaccine Group”

Dr. Robert Malone: World Economic Forum plans to ‘hack’ human beings are a fantasy

June 17th, 2022 Update

Dear Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
Dear Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” ~ Lao Tsu 
As we end this week, let’s realize that the corruption and vile actions of those responsible for the pandemic, and for the desperate attempts to further the fear mongering, and vaccine agenda are being exposed, and coming to light 
More and more are waking up to the reality of what is really going on; and by taking the initiative to share this information… we are taking those first steps for change. We are taking steps to stand up against this corrupt system, whose goal is to harm, destroy, and enslave. 
This is frightening for all of us, and we can no longer deny this is happening. The only journey that will succeed is that of truth, unity, and strength. We are at the fork in the road… we need to walk together, and take action. 
The Vaxxchoice community is here to help support with taking action. We are here to provide information so that you share it will your community. 
Take those steps… you have been called to action 
Have a lovely weekend
God Bless,
Your Vaxxchoice Team
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‘Why Don’t You Let Us Know?’ Sen. Paul Presses Fauci on Royalty Payments
A new study conducted by several doctors on behalf of the University of Colorado has found that Covid-19 vaccination can cause children to suffer Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (V-AED), and further analysis of the confidential Pfizer documents forcibly published by court order reveals both Pfizer and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) knew it would happen.

Scientists discover some Fully Vaccinated Children are suffering Sepsis & Autoimmune Disease when exposed to Covid-19

Title: Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome after Breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 Infection in 2 Immunized Adolescents, United States. (University of Colorado, Aurora, CO)
BOMBSHELL: Dr. Clare Craig Exposes How Pfizer Twisted Their Clinical Trial Data for Young Children
“Parents should be demanding that the decision makers explain themselves”

Severe Covid-19 uncommon in unvaccinated individuals.
Joseph Ladapo openly questions safety of Covid 10 vaccines. 

Joseph Ladapo openly questions safety of COVID-19 vaccines

Excellent article about msm and big pharma.

June 13th, 2022 Update

Dear Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
Definition of community:
A unified body of individuals
What is a community? What does it mean to be a member of community?
A sense of community ignites when a group of people, with diverse characteristics, and backgrounds, come together and share common perspectives, they support one another, and begin to engage in joint actions.
When human beings come together a sense of belonging begins to grow and strengthens from the common goal of all.
We here at Vaxxchoice are a community, we are your community. We are here to support and to stand united with all of you!
God Bless,
Your Vaxxchoice Team
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Edward Dowd – Reports Imminent Collapse, Predators on the Run, Can’t Allow Election
Based on VAERS Data for Children Aged 5 to 15 Injected with COVID-19 Shots, Will 1 Million Babies be Injured and Killed in the First Year if Authorized for 6 Months to 5 Year Olds?

Based on VAERS Data for Children Aged 5 to 15 Injected with COVID-19 Shots, Will 1 Million Babies be Injured and Killed in the First Year if Authorized for 6 Months to 5 Year Olds?

Where’s the Emergency? 18 Congress Members Demand Answers as FDA Looks to Approve COVID Shots for Kids Under 5

Where’s the Emergency? 18 Congress Members Demand Answers as FDA Looks to Approve COVID Shots for Kids Under 5

UNFORGIVABLE – 125 Children Dead, 1K Disabled & 50K injured due to Covid-19 Vaccination in the USA

UNFORGIVABLE – 125 Children Dead, 1K Disabled & 50K injured due to Covid-19 Vaccination in the USA

Healthy young people now dying en masse across Australia, and the corporate media still won’t dare mention vaccines
 72 Types of Americans Considered Potential Terrorists per Gov Docs
MIAC Report
EXCLUSIVE: Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who “suddenly died” – crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures

June 10th, 2022 Update

Dear Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
There’s a new bug that will be released and bug spray will not work on this one. It’s a military mosquito drone and it can literally inject vials into people.
Do you think this will be used as a bioweapon against us? And if so, how do you think they will use it?
Have a great weekend folks!
God Bless,
Your Vaxxchoice Team
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Air Force Cadets Refusing Covid Vaxxes Stick to Their Religious Convictions
CEPI & Gates Said in 2017 that Next Pandemic Will be Business Opportunity
FDA Approves Novavax for Covid Despite Heart Inflammation Reactions

FDA Panel Recommends Novavax COVID Vaccine Despite Heart Inflammation Concerns

Congress Members Question Approving Vaxxes for Kids 5 & Under

Where’s the Emergency? 18 Congress Members Demand Answers as FDA Looks to Approve COVID Shots for Kids Under 5

Face Masks Contribute to Covid Fatality Rates
Covid is Reinfecting With New Variants

Americans Keep Getting Reinfected With COVID as New Variants Emerge + More

Babies Exposed to Covid in Womb Have Have Neurodevelopment Issues
Dr. Robert Malone States WEF Plans to Hack Humans are Fantasy
CDC Changes Monkeypox Advice Twice in 24 Hours
Monkeypox Contracted After 10 New Gay Partners
Cows are to Wear Face Masks Says Prince Charles
5G Cell Towers Cause Illness in Residents in MA Town

Massachusetts Town Gives Up Fight Against Verizon Cell Tower That Residents Allege Caused Illness

DNA Tampering, Immune System Shut Down, Banking Take Over –  Predictive programming for depopulation & take over of America from X-Files  – 2016 – CIA involved in episode planning.
Dr. Mercola on Absurd WEF Plans for Humanity

WHO and WEF Globalists Coordinate Their Global ‘Reset’

The Summer of Starvation Begins With Chaos & Hunger Worldwide
Stop Being Poor, Dems Say
US to Lose Sovereignty & Inflation is Good to ‘Green’ Us from Energy Consumption – Get out your donkey!
Colloidal Silver is a Powerful Natural Antibiotic
Primary Water – What is it at just 800 ft. below surface?


June 8th, 2022 Update

Dear Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
Kindly visit our Gab page at for daily updates and like and comment on our page. We appreciate interacting with you on Gab and seeing your thoughts on the myriad of issues happening around us. Your thoughts, prayers and encouragement are a great source of motivation for us.
God Bless,
Your Vaxxchoice Team
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To help with funding for legal cases that defend citizens against Covid vaccine mandates kindly donate to:


 DNA Tampering, Immune System Shut Down, Banking Take Over –  from X-Files  – predictive programming for depopulation & take over of America.

Edward Dowd: Economic Fallout of Covid Vax Fraud
Global Predator Plans for Mind Control, Mutation & Ownership of Humans – Todd Callender, JD,&  Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin
Mind Control With Sound Waves – WEF

Are they planning on using it? WEF removes article about “Mind Control using sound waves”

Demonic AI Secrets
Ideological Subversion – Yuri Bezmenov

Communist Inspired Riots – Julia Brown, Informant, Speaks
Living Off Grid
Food System Takeover for Control

Globalists Are Taking Over the Food System — It’s Part of Their Plan to Control You


June 7th, 2022 Update

Dear Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
Last week, we would have brought to your attention Steve Kirsch’s story ( of Mr. Ernest Ramirez, whose son died only five days after receiving the Covid-19 death shot. Mr. Ramirez has given us permission to share below a screen shot of FEMA’s attempts to offer him a job as payment in exchange for an NDA. Ernest has become a champion for those harmed and/or killed by the covid “vaccine”, and we salute his bravery to step up and speak out about this terrible injustice.
Despite multiple attempts to victimize Ernest and discredit his story during this difficult time for him, we note that Ernest’s resilience has not allowed him to cave in and be bribed. He has since became a Vaxxchoice member and volunteer and we are proud to be in Ernest’s corner. 
God Bless,
Your Vaxxchoice Team
Pfizer Never Manufactured Original Vaxxes

Pfizer Quietly Admits It Will Never Manufacture Original FDA Approved COVID Vaccines

Ghost Shot – Pfizer’s Quiet Admission
Incurable Prion Disease Linked to Covid Jabs
Bayer Head Admits Covid Vaxx is Gene Therapy
Spike Protein Vaxxes for Covid Dangerous

Scientists Knew in 2005 that Spike Protein-Based Coronavirus Vaccines Like Pfizer and Moderna Were Potentially Dangerous

Vaxxidents Spiking Around the World, Media Silent
10 Million Babies Targeted for Slaughter by Biden Admin

INFANTICIDE: 10 Million Babies and Toddlers Targeted for Slaughter by Biden Administration with Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Injections

Covid Vaxxes are Emitting Bluetooth Codes
Deaths from Covid Vaxx Estimated into the Millions
Masks for Non-Airborne Pox – Only 21 Cases in the US – This is About Control

CDC ‘Follows The Science’ Recommending Masks For The Non-Airborne Monkeypox Virus

Medical Violence
Bilderberg Group Meets in DC – Global Predators Plotting Again – Plans & Attendees

Mockingbird Media Blackout: Pfizer CEO, CIA Head, Facebook VP & Other Elites Secretly Meeting In DC

Jay Dyer on the History of Bilderberg

June 2nd, 2022 Update

Dear Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
Last week, we would have brought to your attention Steve Kirsch’s story ( of Mr. Ernest Ramirez, whose son died only five days after receiving the Covid-19 death shot. Mr. Ramirez has given us permission to share below a screen shot of FEMA’s attempts to offer him a job as payment in exchange for an NDA. Ernest has become a champion for those harmed and/or killed by the covid “vaccine”, and we salute his bravery to step up and speak out about this terrible injustice.
Despite multiple attempts to victimize Ernest and discredit his story during this difficult time for him, we note that Ernest’s resilience has not allowed him to cave in and be bribed. He has since became a Vaxxchoice member and volunteer and we are proud to be in Ernest’s corner. 
God Bless,
Your Vaxxchoice Team
Pfizer Never Manufactured Original Vaxxes

Pfizer Quietly Admits It Will Never Manufacture Original FDA Approved COVID Vaccines

Ghost Shot – Pfizer’s Quiet Admission
Incurable Prion Disease Linked to Covid Jabs
Bayer Head Admits Covid Vaxx is Gene Therapy
Spike Protein Vaxxes for Covid Dangerous

Scientists Knew in 2005 that Spike Protein-Based Coronavirus Vaccines Like Pfizer and Moderna Were Potentially Dangerous

Vaxxidents Spiking Around the World, Media Silent
10 Million Babies Targeted for Slaughter by Biden Admin

INFANTICIDE: 10 Million Babies and Toddlers Targeted for Slaughter by Biden Administration with Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Injections

Covid Vaxxes are Emitting Bluetooth Codes
Deaths from Covid Vaxx Estimated into the Millions
Masks for Non-Airborne Pox – Only 21 Cases in the US – This is About Control

CDC ‘Follows The Science’ Recommending Masks For The Non-Airborne Monkeypox Virus

Medical Violence
Bilderberg Group Meets in DC – Global Predators Plotting Again – Plans & Attendees

Mockingbird Media Blackout: Pfizer CEO, CIA Head, Facebook VP & Other Elites Secretly Meeting In DC

Jay Dyer on the History of Bilderberg

July 19th, 2022 Update

Happy Tuesday wonderful Vaxxchoice community ~ 
“We must never give up. We must not become discouraged. We much never surrender to the forces of evil…
If it means standing along, we must do it. But we shall not be alone” 
 We are all feeling the effects of the happenings that are taking place around us. Every corner in this world is feeling the impacts of those whose mission it is to control and dominate us… all of us. It is up to us, humanity, to stand together, to stay strong, and focused, and to support one another. Our freedoms… in fact, our survival is at stake. 
 We here at Vaxxchoice are here to support and stand with all of you
God Bless
Vaccine Hesitancy in Haiti Has Led to the Lowest COVID-19 Cases and Death Rates in the Western Hemisphere – Global Research

Vaccine Hesitancy in Haiti Has Led to the Lowest COVID-19 Cases and Death Rates in the Western Hemisphere

 Bacterial and fungal isolation from face masks under the COVID-19 pandemic

 Amended vaccines – they can now insert anything into these injections 

Aloe vera: 9 health benefits
Building emotional wellness for kids
 The never-ending medial emergency 

The Never Ending Medical Emergency

 World News: 
A multitude of Austrians fight back against agenda 2030 

 Anak Krakatau back to life again after 3 eruptions within 12 hours 

In pictures: Anak Krakatau back to life again! 3 eruptions within 12 hours

 Chinese corn mill near US Air Force base may carry national security
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July 18th, 2022 Update

Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
 OUR MISSION: was started in early 2021 when it was apparent Governments around the world were going to coerce large segments of the population into taking experimental gene therapy shots.
We strive to provide daily updates from reputable sources to educate our followers and the world on the true issues at hand.
God Bless ~
Judge Blocks Air Force from Expelling Unvaccinated Service Members and Enforcing Vaccine Mandate

Trump-Appointed Judge Blocks Air Force from Expelling Unvaccinated Service Members and Enforcing Vaccine Mandate

Dr. Harvey Risch: Why Are Vaccinated People Getting COVID at Higher Rates Than the Unvaccinated?
Dr. Birx ‘Bombshell’: She Would ‘Hide’ Data in Reports, Rig Covid Mortality Rates

What is mental health
The Universal Antidote – The science and story of Chlorine Dioxide 

World News: 
What the Netherlands Got Wrong About Nitrogen and Farmers

What the Netherlands Got Wrong About Nitrogen and Farmers

EXCLUSIVE: Billions Continue to Be Laundered Through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to China’s Biowarfare Program

EXCLUSIVE: Billions Continue to Be Laundered Through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to China’s Biowarfare Program

Skittles is sued over claims colorant in candies can cause BRAIN DAMAGE
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July 15th, 2022 Update

Happy Friday beautiful Vaxxchoice community ~ 
 We would like to start the weekend with an inspirational quote ~  
 “This life is yours. Take the power to choose what you what to do and do it well. Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly. Take the power to walk in the forest and be a part of nature. Take the power to control your own life. No one else can do it for you. Take the power to make your life happy”
~ Susan Polis Schutz 
Losing the battle? Pentagon COVID-19 vax mandates tottering under legal scrutiny
 Judge grants temporary injunction against COVID vax mandate for airmen seeking religious exemptions
 The Church of Pfizer: D.C. promotes ‘Faith In Vaccine’ initiative
31 simple health wellness tips for healthy and happy living
 Do optimists really live longer? Here’s what research says
 Mask mandate could return – Los Angeles Covid surge
 World News:
HOOOOONK! From Nijmegen to Beek, Dutch Farmers Have Taken Over the Streets

 Next Pandemic
Mask mandate could return – Los Angeles Covid surge
The size of the millennial generation is to blame for sky-high inflation, strategist says
 God Bless ~ 
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July 14th, 2022 Update

It is worth remembering that the time of greatest gain in terms of wisdom and inner strength is often that of greatest difficulty. ~ Dalai Lama  
Hello wonderful Vaxxchoice community ~  
As the world begins to see the very real plan that is in store for humanity, we realize that the pandemic; covid, and the rollout of the vaccines are certainly not the only weapons that have been used to control and dominate us. 
The plan also includes the total control of the world’s financial (banking) institutions, currencies, and markets. 
 For today’s update, we would like to share, and present a topic about these events taking place in real time. We are here to support and provide information and resources… we need to fully grasp, and understand the massiveness of this global plan… and stand united and fight!!! Together we will win  
We would like to devote today’s update with an article written by Alex Krainer. Mr. Krainer provides a glimpse in the plans of the Global Systemically Important Banks (GSIBS).  
“The three-block global agenda today and the role of finance“:
 Here is a brief excerpt and summary: 
“I’ve put together a few concrete examples of the way high finance controls the political process in many nations. There are many examples, but most can only be discerned on a case-by-case basis when and where relevant facts leak out into the public domain. But they all point to the conclusion that the ultimate culprits is the international banking cartel who hold the controlling interest in BIS’s Global Systemically Important Banks (GSIBs) and nearly all the central banks around the world, including the Fed, BOE, ECB, BOJ…”
 “One of the Trojan Horses of this process are the central banks that wield predominant control over each nation’s economy but are in most countries almost entirely independent of legitimate democratic institutions. Any nation intent on defending its sovereignty should be extremely vigilant about Trojan Horses within its own financial, academic, political and military institutions. If the officialdom, already staffed with obedient technocrats, will ignore the signs of danger and even collaborate with the slow evisceration of their nation’s sovereignty, then the people of such nations should be doubly vigilant so they can recognize the signs of betrayal in time to take corrective action. This is all the more important today as the empire builders are once more escalating political and military tensions and taking reckless risks that could ultimately lead to another world war.”
 We have provided additional and valuable information on the financial plan to control the masses. 
What CSRQ-SM will mean for your life and the future – Oculum Labs
 Vaxxchoice is your community… and we are connected and united with you all 
 God Bless ~
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July 13th, 2022 Update

Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
 Hello all… we here at Vaxxchoice want to share some very exciting news, which is a testament that battles are being won against those that want to destroy us, and our spirits. We will not let that happen.
 We have included a recent ruling that took place in Uruguay, God bless the bravery of the Courts, and those that ruled “for the people,” and the incredibly uplifting sentiment of one of Vaxxchoice’s volunteer attorneys, Todd Callender, gives hope and strengthens our missions. We are in the fight together!
 “Finally, a Court has ruled!!!   This is a first folks.  It’s important.  Despite tens of thousands of complaints filed over the last 16 months, this is the first ruling from a government body anywhere that I’m aware of making findings as to the legitimate questions of toxicity and ingredients of the shots.  Better yet, the court rules about sovereignty and the job of the government to protect its citizens not be colluded with commercial interests.  This is truly bombshell and the second attachment is the translation of the Court’s order.” – Todd
 Let’s pray this ignites a momentum of change!! What wonderful news for humanity, and kudos to the bravery of those justice warriors
 God Bless ~
Parents not rushing to vaccinate very young children for covid
 Fauci still urges COVID vaccines but admits they ‘don’t protect overly well’ against infection
 Life Insurance CEO Reveals Deaths Are Up 40% Among Working People: “Just unheard of”

Hydrogen Peroxide health benefits 

Mental health crisis in colleges and schools
World News: 
OECD members just met in Ibiza to discuss creating a global vaccine passport regime 

OECD Members Just Met in Ibiza to Discuss Creating a Global Vaccine Passport Regime

Dutch farmers say the government wants their land to build refugee housing

Starbucks will close 16 stores in major cities, citing safety concerns
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July 12th, 2022 Update

Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
 OUR MISSION: was started in early 2021 when it was apparent Governments around the world were going to coerce large segments of the population into taking experimental gene therapy shots.
 We strive to provide daily updates from reputable sources to educate our followers and the world on the true issues at hand.
God Bless ~ 
Dr. McCullough on treatment
 Coronavirus study natural immunity covid gives 97% protection against severe reinfection for months
 John Olooney talks about blockage found in vessels of deceased Covid vaxxed 

John O’Looney talks about blockages found in vessels of deceased COVID vaxxed!!!

 HHS Sec Becerra warns of strong chance we will see a resurgence of covid in the fall 2022

What is emotional health and how to improve it.
 5G Next Generations Health Dangers.
World News: 
Dutch farmers clog roads on the to anti-government protest
Gates funded picnic facility burnt to the ground.

Gates-funded Picnic facility burnt to the ground

 Are Google Chatbots impersonating Humans? 

Are Google Chatbots Impersonating Humans?

July 8th, 2022 Update

Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
OUR MISSION: was started in early 2021 when it was apparent Governments around the world were going to coerce large segments of the population into taking experimental gene therapy shots. 
We strive to provide daily updates from reputable sources to educate our followers and the world on the true issues at hand. 
Have a great weekend! 
God Bless ~  
Covid News: 
Canada’s Health Minister Says “Up to Date” Vaccination is a Jab Every 9 Months

Pediatrician Axed for Advocating COVID Vax in Youngest Kids 
Norwegian Researcher Dr Torkel Snellingen on Vaccines and Injuries 
Jacinda Ardern admits Highly Vaccinated New Zealand is losing the COVID battle because the Jabs don’t work 
Watch for signs of depression during COVID-19 and know how to support your child’s mental well-being
COVID vaccine complications will soon “collapse our health system,” warns renowned virologist
CDC Drops COVID-19 Death Numbers By Thousands

Current Events
Twitter ‘Silenced’ Physicians Who Posted Truthful Information About COVID, Lawsuit Alleges

Twitter ‘Silenced’ Physicians Who Posted Truthful Information About COVID, Lawsuit Alleges

In Memory of Dr. Vladimir Zelenko — A Moral, Outspoken Truth Warrior

In Memory of Dr. Vladimir Zelenko — A Moral, Outspoken Truth Warrior

Jailed Freedom Convoy organizer Pat King says his charges will be dropped because police directed their actions in Ottawa
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July 7th, 2022 Update

Vaxxchoice Family & Friends, 
Gratitude ~ 
The quality of being thankful: readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness 
During difficult and unsettling may we not forget to be grateful. We may feel as if there is nothing to be grateful for. It is in these moments of thought that we look around; at our loved ones, at the beautiful gifts of nature, and feel gratitude. Gratitude will lift your spirits… and its presence lifts the spirits of others
Take some time today to quiet your thoughts, take a break from all the outside noise… ground yourself outdoors, feel the grass, or sand, or dirt between your toes… and surround yourself in gratitude… we all have so much to be grateful for… and when we share gratitude with grace… we begin to heal
We here at Vaxxchoice are so grateful for all of you… we are here to support, to encourage, and to stand with!!
God Bless ~
Covid News:
Dr. Peter McCullough
Coronavirus: What is “Vaccine Shedding” and do COVID vaccines pose any risks? All you need to know
Authors correct study that inflated child covid deaths after CDC officials promoted it
Portugal drops all covid entry requirements
Canada’s Health Minister – You will never be fully vaxxed
Tips for managing children’s anxiety about covid
How to remove graphene oxide from the body
Health benefits of cinnamon
John Abramson: Big Pharma – Lex Fridman Podcast 

Current Events
Twitter suspends Dr. Zelenko’s foundation account one day after doctor’s death
Disney employees suing company over vaccination exemption refusals
Canada may be withholding Nord Stream gas turbine until Germany signs LNG contract
United Kingdom PM Boris Johnson resigns
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July 6th, 2022 Update

Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
The Winds of Change  
The winds of change come as an unexpected ring.. and momentum truly realigns our hearts to sing… 
Let us think about all that we have been through. We have been holding onto hope for so many years now. We have been held hostage in fear.. What the captors fear the most is our individual strengths, what they are terrified of, is our united strengths. The enemy has no real power. They make a lot of noise…But it is fading in the wind compared to the sound of healing of many waters. We, all of us as humanity are the streams of change. Faith is our vessel that protects and guides us in these waters… Staying united, supportive, healthy and strong… and sharing our faiths will guide our waters to winning this battle with the enemy… Our united and faithful waters will wash the enemy away…
Your Vaxxchoice community is here to support and stand united with all!! We are creating a strong current in our waters, and every day that becomes stronger… guided by faith, unity, and courage
God Bless ~
PLANDEMIC News – Covid
How to remove graphene oxide from the body after taking the jab – its in food too
Vaccine mandate will force over 700 Pilots and 40,000 National Guard troops to be discharged

Pfizer investor call reveals company plan to capitalize failed Covid drugs 

Pfizer’s Investor Call Reveals The Company’s Plan To Capitalize On Its Failed COVID Drugs For Years

Study based on data from emergency services. COVID infection itself not linked to significant increase in cardiovascular complications. 
Pfizer Whistleblower Lawsuit Fraud

Pfizer Asks Court to Dismiss Whistleblower Lawsuit Because Government Was Aware of Fraud

Glutathione – The Mother of Antioxidants
Fascinating Look Into Traditional Diets – Eating Better 

How to Protect Yourself From The Effects of 5G: Ideas and Real Solutions

How to Protect Yourself from 5G And Its Negative Effects?

Current Events
Dutch Farmers Aggressively Protest Plans to Dramatically Reduce Livestock Numbers

Dutch farmers aggressively protest plans to dramatically reduce livestock numbers

Medical Licensing Boards Face Pushback Enforcing CDC Vaccine Recommendations
Exactly How Much Farmland Bill Gates Owns in America 

Exactly How Much Farm Land Does Bill Gates Own? It’s More Than Any Other Individual in America

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July 5th, 2022 Update

Dear Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
Happiness depends on being free… and freedom depends on being courageous ~ Thucydides
Freedom is not something to take lightly. It is in every person’s core of existence. The ones who oppress freedom use their own free will to take away the freedoms of others. Free will is engrained in our DNA.
We are facing real threats of those that oppress, and plan to take the freedoms of humanity. The time has come to realize that very goal, and we need to unite and stand with one another.
 We will not lie down while our enemies take our God-given birth rights!!
We here at Vaxxchoice are standing united, and supporting all who stand for freedoms 
God Bless ~
PLANDEMIC News – Covid; Health; 5G
Missouri legislator, Tricia Derges resigned her seat after being convicted of falsely claiming she was giving patients stem cell treatments for COVID-19.
NEW – Vaccinated toddlers in Pfizer’s trial were more likely to get severely ill with COVID than those who received a placebo.
Canada’s Health Minister Says “Up to Date” Vaccination is a Jab Every 9 Months

This accompanies the Alex Zeck podcast. 
For more information:
27-Year-Old Engineer Dies After Developing Blood Clot on Brain Following Covid Vaccine

27-Year-Old Engineer Dies After Developing Blood Clot on Brain Following Covid Vaccine

In this episode, join Alec Zeck as he interviews two former healthcare employees about their unlawful termination, their current legal process for justice and how their experience through it all has led to a beautiful and sovereign awakening.
Instead of infringing on the 2A maybe our reps should crack down on big pharma and the mental health practitioners prescribing these dangerous meds
The Great Reset
National Security Study Memorandum 200: Blueprint for World Depopulation

Current Events
UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid resigns saying he can no longer, in good conscience, continue serving in this government
CureVac Files Patent Infringement Lawsuit in Germany Against BioNTech
California to Shut Down Supply Chain 7000 Trucks May Be Off the Road In Days
 Actions Being Taken
Click Here to Take Action on 2022 CA Bills
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