
We here at Vaxxchoice want to share some very exciting news

Vaxxchoice Family & Friends,
 Hello all… we here at Vaxxchoice want to share some very exciting news, which is a testament that battles are being won against those that want to destroy us, and our spirits. We will not let that happen.
 We have included a recent ruling that took place in Uruguay, God bless the bravery of the Courts, and those that ruled “for the people,” and the incredibly uplifting sentiment of one of Vaxxchoice’s volunteer attorneys, Todd Callender, gives hope and strengthens our missions. We are in the fight together!
 “Finally, a Court has ruled!!!   This is a first folks.  It’s important.  Despite tens of thousands of complaints filed over the last 16 months, this is the first ruling from a government body anywhere that I’m aware of making findings as to the legitimate questions of toxicity and ingredients of the shots.  Better yet, the court rules about sovereignty and the job of the government to protect its citizens not be colluded with commercial interests.  This is truly bombshell and the second attachment is the translation of the Court’s order.” – Todd
 Let’s pray this ignites a momentum of change!! What wonderful news for humanity, and kudos to the bravery of those justice warriors
 God Bless ~
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