
When you find yourself doubting how far you can go

Choose Freedom!
When you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome.
More good news is coming in, and we expect even more good news to come in over the weekend. We are all in a great situation as we are growing bigger and stronger, and that is something to be thankful for. Everyone’s journey is theirs to travel, and each of our journeys have led us to come together within the Vaxxchoice community. If we stand strong together, we will win this fight for humanity!
Our friends at StopVaxPassports are offering free resources on their website. Take some time to check out their excellent work.
News you need to know:
We celebrate out our ally, Jacob Joseph, who has brought light to the information about the Ebola (Marburg) outbreak with his movement. Be sure to check out his mission statement:
Marburg and Ebola Vaccine Development And Investment
Washington, DC Child COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Illegal: Legal Expert
Poll findings about vaccinating kids
Investigation of the Covid-19 Vaccine makers
Scientists Confirm COVID Vaccines Contain Nanostructures Colonizing In The Human Body
After Shanghai, here come Lanzhou food shortages: It is difficult to buy vegetables
Kary Mullis: Is This Why They Killed Him?
To stay up to date with us check out our:
Vaxxchoice Website
Truth for Health Website
Gab Group
If you would like to donate to help fund legal cases that defend citizens against Covid vaccine mandates:
P.S. over the coming weeks and months we will be working on updating our website, newsletter, and socials. We hope to make improvements to give you a better experience and keep you better informed. The future is bright!

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