Vaccines represent as significant components in a complex system of operational responsibilities, each with a very
distinct presence and purpose. None of them are to protect against a disease and/or “virus”. Each one is a military grade,
government-controlled product, strategically, and officially referred to as “causative agents”. These “products” are all for sale;
and ALL are sourced from a combined effort of biological and man-made “bacterium mutated strains”. Many are sourced from
aborted fetal cells from both human and non-human species. Examples of non-human being African green monkey kidneys,
compliments of the WHO’s exclusive VERO Cell line, ovaries of fall armyworm moth, to name a few. And almost ALL are
soaked in extremely toxic formulas of bacterium yeast that are aggressive and hostile, They are laced with DNA contaminant,
already established hostile and destructive diseases and disorders. And they are further mutated with chemical compounds that
are heinously corrosive and destructive, and by design; toxic and deadly to ALL of humanity.